See allArloArmonaAsparagusAylaBabblyBalloonsBlackrootBrixtonBubbaBubblesBubblyCaloreCaraCarameliCelesteChairesticsCheckCheckiCoralloCrumpleCurlieCurveEdienElseEmbraceFlorianFlowFlowyFluffyFrancaFrancesFruityFumikoGlobeGuiliaIgniteIndyJadeLaraLeyaLizLobstiLoriLoveMessyMilaMiniByonNatureNikki & NoorOpacityPathiPom PomPoppyPortoRioSea collectionShelleySpiceSwanSwirlTheodoreTrixibelleVictoriaWaverly
Opacity is the glass series which is beauty itself, luxuriously simple with a feeling of bold elegance. When you set the table with Opacity something happens. You cannot get enough of this gorgeous series in thin sheer glass with discreet texture. Therefore it holds everything from drinking glass to champagne coupe. And a lovely jug as well, of course. The glasses are stackable.
51 Products
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