See allArloAsparagusAylaBabblyBalloonsBeeBlackrootBrixtonBubblesBubblyCaloreCaraCarameliCelesteChairesticsCheckCheckiCoralloCorinneCrumpleCurlieCurveEdienElseEmbraceFlorianFlowFlowyFluffyFrancaFrancesFruityFumikoGlobeGuiliaIgniteIndyJadeLaraLeyaLizLobstiLoriLoveMessyMilaMiniByonNatureNikki & NoorOpacityPathiPom PomPoppyRioSea collectionShelleySphereSpiceSwanSwirlThe game is ONTheodoreTrixibelleVictoriaWaverly
Glass magic in the shape of a plate. Irresistible handmade glass plate with soft curves and dancing stripes. Every plate is unique in its appearance. Enchanting glass art speaking for itself and which takes all design enthusiasts by storm. The glass plate Curve is available in two sizes and three colours. Don’t miss the handmade statement vase Curt which is also included in the Curve family.