See allArloAsparagusAylaBabblyBalloonsBeeBlackrootBrixtonBubblesBubblyCaloreCaraCarameliCelesteChairesticsCheckCheckiCoralloCorinneCrumpleCurlieCurveEdienElseEmbraceFlorianFlowFlowyFluffyFrancaFrancesFruityFumikoGlobeGuiliaIgniteIndyJadeLaraLeyaLizLobstiLoriLoveMessyMilaMiniByonNatureNikki & NoorOpacityPathiPom PomPoppyRioSea collectionShelleySphereSpiceSwanSwirlThe game is ONTheodoreTrixibelleVictoriaWaverly
The mug which is a must for all coffee lovers. A chunky and cocky mug in stoneware with funny, imaginative and characteristic patterns. Sober tones are mixed with pop nuances, all to make you find your favourite. Mug Liz has a chessboard pattern with the messy square - one of Byon’s signature patterns - flowing zebra patterns and the defiant stripe. Available in blue/white, black/beige and green/white.