
Bubbles with Estelle

SubjectBubbles with
Written byTeam Byon

Bubbles with Estelle Graf

Say Hi to Estelle Graf in our latest #bubbleswith a colurful and warm interview with much heart. 

Who lives here? Estelle Graaf, together with partner Enzio, our dog Bruno and the little one I have in my tummy. 

Work as: an artist, illustrator and run WAY gallery at Odenplan, Stockholm.

Instagram: @estgra 

Interior decorating is like therapy for me. In many ways it reminds me of the feeling I get when I paint. It’s cool what the “room” does to us, how really small means can have such a huge effect on the feeling you get in an environment.

An artist living room


Which is the most momentous tangible you own – tell us its history and why it’s so special?

An old drink trolley I’ve inherited from my grandfather, I think. It has become even more important to me after my dad passed away. Generally I have a weak spot for things which have a history and I have lots of memorabilia at home. Also, new things quickly become important as I create a relation to them. Sometimes I’m almost attributing characters to them. Sounds a bit destructive and perhaps it is? I’m probably something of a hoarder, I have a really tough time getting rid of things.


What is and does interior decorating mean to you?


A lot, interior decorating is like therapy for me. In many ways it reminds me of the feeling I get when I paint. It’s cool what the “room” does to us, how really small means can have such a huge effect on the feeling you get in an environment. In the same way as a certain composition and colour combination can make me calm and harmonious, another set up can make me stressed and anxious. It’s strange really, that something so “shallow” can affect your soul so much.


Which is your favourite room at home – and why?


The living room no doubt! There you find the most colour and the biggest windows, there I feel the best. If I had lived alone the whole apartment should have been as colourful but I have had to calm down a little out of respect for my partner.


When people come to your home what do you want them to feel? How do you create that feeling?


I want them to feel embraced and welcome. It should feel cozy and permissive to be at my place. It should feel okay to light a fag inside, you know, then it’s important that not everything is perfect. It shouldn’t matter if there is a stain on the white armchair or if the dresser is slightly chipped. Just as I appreciate that things in my home have a history I want my home to be like that as well, therefore it must be allowed to have a life there.

I want them to feel embraced and welcome. It should feel cozy and permissive to be at my place. It should feel okay to light a cig inside, you know, then it’s important that not everything is perfect.

A permissive home



One and the same interior decorating style throughout the home or different in every room? Why?


There’s probably a slightly different feeling in the various rooms in the apartment. The bedroom I have consciously decorated in a calm and soft manner, mostly because it was a condition made by my partner and the kitchen can preferably have a bistro feeling to it. The livingroom however, is inspired by the 1970s Italy and the fun house.

Which is the latest place you visited that gave you decorating inspiration?

Paris (like everyone else). Visited Paris last spring and began to feel that I wanted to add more romance to my interior decorating. Something that usually happens at every new place I visit – if I like it – is that I want to bring something back home which can add a feeling of that particular environment. Perhaps it’s some sort of disguised separation anxiety?

Which are your best tips for more sparkling moments on a day in the middle of the week?

Light ridiculously many candles, play really smooth jazz and drink wine (if you’re not pregnant like me, of course)!


Things or persons making you bubble?


My friends and all things beautiful.


Is there an achievement you are extra proud of?


That I had the guts to quit my job and go for my artistry fulltime.


What’s the first thing you think (of) when you wake up?


Coffee, food and when I can get back to bed again.

Light ridiculously many candles, play really smooth jazz and drink wine (if you’re not pregnant like me, of course)!