See allArloAsparagusAylaBabblyBalloonsBeeBlackrootBrixtonBubblesBubblyCaloreCaraCarameliCelesteChairesticsCheckCheckiCoralloCorinneCrumpleCurlieCurveEdienElseEmbraceFlorianFlowFlowyFluffyFrancaFrancesFruityFumikoGlobeGuiliaIgniteIndyJadeLaraLeyaLizLobstiLoriLoveMessyMilaMiniByonNatureNikki & NoorOpacityPathiPom PomPoppyRioSea collectionShelleySphereSpiceSwanSwirlThe game is ONTheodoreTrixibelleVictoriaWaverly
Explore the beauty and elegance of Lara, where each candlestick and candle holder is an extravagant and wonderful handmade creation in beautifully shaped glass. Each piece is handmade and may vary slightly in colour and structure, giving you a unique and personal touch to your interior decoration. Delivered in an elegant Byon box for a perfect gift or for safekeeping when not in use.