See allArloAsparagusAylaBabblyBalloonsBeeBlackrootBrixtonBubblesBubblyCaloreCaraCarameliCelesteChairesticsCheckCheckiCoralloCorinneCrumpleCurlieCurveEdienElseEmbraceFlorianFlowFlowyFluffyFrancaFrancesFruityFumikoGlobeGuiliaIgniteIndyJadeLaraLeyaLizLobstiLoriLoveMessyMilaMiniByonNatureNikki & NoorOpacityPathiPom PomPoppyRioSea collectionShelleySphereSpiceSwanSwirlThe game is ONTheodoreTrixibelleVictoriaWaverly
The name says it all about this pillow that sets the mood with its colourful mix. Pillow Fluffy is playfulness and curiosity in one. It creates a powerful need for touching when you see it. The organic pattern of waves between fringes and velvet creates something very special. The pattern is a perfect match between blue and beige where the iconic power blue stands out. Delivered with an inner pillow. Available in black and blue.